Monday, December 7, 2009

Manifested Powers.

Power is something people desire to have from the dawn of the eternity. And its never enough how much one has the access to the power. Power means the ability to do or act, or the capability of doing or accomplishing something.The satisfaction of having the power always drive people to rule, to govern and to have the authority on others. Here we will come to know about four kinds of power. Which are:

Power over others:
This is such a power we always have on others. No matter who we we are and what we do.Everyone in the earth has some power over others be it visible or not, be it strong or weak. In the patriarchal family the main power is in dad's hand.Then the chain goes on like mother over kids,elder siblings over the younger.Other than the family teachers over students,master over slaves,doctor over nurse,head over the subordinates and so on.......

Co-operative power:
This is the mutual power or the communal power of a certain number of people over one major power. Like, the student protestation on university authority, the mass upsurge of people against the government, the community of business personnel over the clients,the consumer rights over the manufacturers and stuffs like that.

Institutional power:
It is an authorised institutional power over single individual or group of people. Like,after the month long chatting over phone, when we have to pay the bill of the operator we become helpless.We have no other option but to pay it willingly or not willingly. Other than this the utility bills, the university fees over the students are such kind of institutional power.

The power to realize the desires or needs:
It's something very much intrapersonal.I have the power on me,on my needs and desires. Such as if i wish i can bunk the class, or i can not finish the write up and even i can destroy my life or the vice versa.

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